RTiiiKA (Rosa)'s profile

My Mummies - A children's book for LGBT/ queer families

My Mummies
 a book by RTiiiKA, for Arlo

My Mummies is a children’s book that takes a playful look at overcoming the hurdles you face becoming a queer parent...including getting stuck in the legs of a cow! 🐮 And a hen! 🐔

The book is primarily made for families that create their own alternate routes into parenthood. This could be any type of LGBT, rainbow family constellation or couples that choose non-linear ways of having a baby.

“I think it’s really important that there is queer representation in parenthood because it underlines the experiences of parents who are not always ‘heterosexual biological families’ – and gives them a frame to understand their reality,” RTiiiKA, who is also founder of Bristol Womxn Mural Collective and is part of Rising Arts Agency, adds.
“Even a small self-published book like this can show that there are other ways of knowing and being in the world.”

Thank you!

For more work, → @rtiiika 

My Mummies - A children's book for LGBT/ queer families

My Mummies - A children's book for LGBT/ queer families
